I recently co-led a women's event at SEEN. The event was called "Steam + Be Seen." It was an afternoon of communal vaginal steaming and customized face masks. When the women arrived to the studio they were greeted with herbal beverages and sugar-free chocolates. Everyone got changed into beautiful silk robes and became acquainted with one another. I took one woman at a time into the facial room and blessed up her skin with a customized, organic facial mask. After everyone was masked, we entered into the meditative space to begin the vaginal steaming ritual. Vaginal steaming!? You may ask. Vaginal or yoni steaming is an ancient traditional practice seen across many cultures. This ancient practice utilizes herbs and steam for female pelvic and uterine health.
Indigenous Healers worldwide have been using this natural and non-invasive treatment for centuries to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Steaming helps cleanse the uterus and pelvis of blood congestion and stagnation, relaxes the pelvic floor muscles, and is an effective treatment for many uterine and pelvic conditions. There are many benefits to steaming, such as:
reducing pain and bloating with menstruation
speeding healing and toning of the reproductive system post-birth
improves circulation
stress relief
supports vaginal/yeast infections
supports healthy odor
Steaming is not for:
while pregnant
recovering from c-section or pelvic surgery
while bleeding
you have an IUD in place
have an active infection or blistering
Please note that the information on steaming was given to me by Bree Lauren, my co-lead, and the Goddess behind Madre Mudra. Bree provides the steaming boxes, herbs, and blankets/robes to cover oneself while steaming. It was an incredibly intimate, connecting, and healing ceremony to participate in. I have long wished for more communal gatherings and conversations around womb health. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to host such an event. It was the start of many more to come.
In beauty,